Author´s guide REMCB (updated March 2021)

Authors’ Guide

Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biológicas



Required Documents to Submit an Article

Any author shall prepare and send three documents:


  1. Cover page in which the following should be included: Manuscript title in English and Spanish, Name and Surname of Author(s), Institutional Affiliation, Institutional Mailing Address, e-mail and ORCID of each author; it is mandatory that all authors obtain an ORCID. First and Last Name, Institutional Affiliation, Institutional Mailing Address, Email and ORCID of the correspondence author.

The list must correspond to the order of authorship of the manuscript.

  1. Manuscript of the research work (no reference to the author(s) can be included in this document since this file is sent to peer reviewers for evaluation). Its structure is described below according to the modality in which the manuscript is submitted.
  2. Cover Letter to the editors including the following data:
  • Manuscript title in Spanish and English
  • Declaration of originality
  • Declaration of no conflict of interest.
  • The statement that the manuscript has not been previously published in whole or in part elsewhere.
  • The statement that the manuscript has not been simultaneously submitted to another publication.
  • The acceptance of the intellectual contribution of the authors.
  • The acceptance of review and approval of all authors to the final version of the submitted manuscript.
  • Authors' approval for submission of the manuscript to REMCB
  • The statement that the research reported in the manuscript complies with all applicable research and/or ethics committee permissions. In the case of research requiring permits from the environmental authorities, it will be necessary to include the research permit codes; in the case of research involving human subjects, a certificate of approval issued by an accredited human research ethics committee must be presented. (The respective permits shall be attached to the cover letter).
  • Modality and area in which the manuscript is submitted.
  • Name, surname, institutional affiliation, and e-mail of all authors, in order of authorship.
  • In addition, please include the information (name, institution, country, area of expertise and e-mail) of three potential international reviewers for your manuscript, who should not belong to the working institution of any of the authors.
  • Signature and ID or passport number of all authors.
  • The corresponding research or ethics committee permits must be attached to this letter.


Manuscripts should be submitted online through the REMCB OJS platform:


Manuscript Format in the Modality of a Scientific Article and a Scientific Note


Manuscripts must be submitted in Word format, in Spanish or English, in Times New Roman 12-point font, single spaced, without justification and without tabs. Page and line numbering must be included. Section headings are separated by a space. Margins of 2 cm on each side. The title of the manuscript is written in bold centered and the section titles in bold, left margin.

Scientific articles will have a length of 7000-8000 words of text that includes the body of the manuscript without references. Limit 3 figures and 3 tables.

Scientific notes will have a length of 4000-5000 words of text including the body of the manuscript without references. Limit to 1 figure and 1 table.


Article title: maximum 18 words in bold type

Concise and informative, first line in Spanish and second line in English. The priority of the language of the title will be given by the language in which the manuscript is written.

Resumen: 200/210 words (min/max) written in a single paragraph, including the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the most relevant results and conclusions.

Palabras claves: 5 key words in standardized scientific Spanish, listed in alphabetical order.

Abstract: 190/200 words (min/max) written in a single paragraph, including the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the main results and the conclusions.

Keywords: 5 formal English words, listed in alphabetical order



  • It should include the fundamentals, background, and explicitly include the objective of the study. Bibliographic citations of relevant national and international works should be used.


Materials and methods

  • Describe the sampling locality with its coordinates or origin of the population or sample analyzed. The protocols used in the research will be described, as well as the reagents and equipment used. It is necessary to include information of the programs and versions used in the analysis. It is essential to include the performed statistical analyses.
  • Descriptive subheadings for each activity or procedure are allowed in the materials and methods section. These will be written in bold type on the left margin and the text will continue on the same line separated by a period and a hyphen. Throughout the manuscript, paragraphs are not separated by line spacing, only between sections of the manuscript a line of separation is used.



  • Presentation of the data obtained in the research, which will be organized in a descriptive way, in tables and/or figures. They should be presented in the same order in which they are presented in the methods. Subtitles can be included.



  • The data obtained in the research will be analyzed logically and comparatively with previous research. The contributions and limitations of the research will be highlighted. Recommendations can be made regarding future studies.



  • Conclusions will be directly related to the objective of the study and will be based exclusively on the results of the research.



  • We suggest including the source of funding for the research.


Declaration of conflict of interest

  • The authors are requested to make a declaration stating their independence from the interests of the entities that finance the research or third parties.


Authors' contribution

  • The initials of the first and last names of the authors and the contribution of each one should be included according to the following list: Conception and design of the study, Experimental design of the study, Acquisition/Collection of data, Analysis and interpretation of data, Drafting of the initial version of the manuscript, Review of the manuscript, Funding management.



  • A minimum of 30 references should be included for scientific articles and notes and a minimum of 40 references for review articles. All bibliographical references cited in the manuscript should be presented in alphabetical order; include the DOI in all references where it is available.
  • The use of the Council of Science Editors’ (CSE) Name-Year (N-Y) format is mandatory.


Format of Figures, Tables, and References



Accepted formats are JPG, PNG or TIFF, minimum resolution 300 dpi. Figures should be numbered in order of appearance in the text and should be accompanied by a title and a legend at the bottom of the figure. In figures composed of sections, each section must be identified with a capital letter. In the text, the figure will be cited with the complete word and an Arabic numeral within parentheses, example (Figure 1) (Figure 2A-C).

In the legends, the word Figure (first letter with capital letter) and the respective Arabic numeral should be written in bold type. The text of the caption is written without bold, e.g.:

Figure 8. Descriptive legend of the figure. A) First Section, B) Second Section

In the case of figures taken from other authors (whether modified), it will be necessary to obtain authorization for the use of intellectual property for such materials.



Tables shall be a maximum size of one page. Each table should be numbered according to the order of appearance in the text and should have a legend. Tables should contain only horizontal lines. Symbols or abbreviations included in the table should be explained in a table footnote. In the text, the table will be cited with the complete word (first capital letter) and an Arabic numeral inside parentheses, example (Table 1).

In the legends, the word Table (initial letter with capital letter) and the respective Arabic number should be written in bold type. The text of the caption is written without bold, e.g.:

Table 3. Descriptive legend of the table


Figures and tables with their respective legends will be included in the manuscript after the references. If the manuscript is accepted, authors will be asked to send the figures in separate files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The Editorial Board reserves the right to place the figures and tables according to the space available or to request the authors to make the corresponding changes.


Supplementary material that is not essential to the understanding of the manuscript should be included as supplementary material and should be sent in a separate file.



REMCB follows the rules of the International System of Units of Measurement (SI).



The list of bibliographic references should be organized in alphabetical order.

Use of the Council of Science Editors’ (CSE) Name-Year (N-Y) format is mandatory. This format can be downloaded from Zotero: ( and from Mendeley under the name Council of Science Editors, Name-Year (author-date).



In bibliographic references:

Snaphaan L, van der Werf S, Kanselaar K, de Leeuw F. 2009. Post-stroke depressive symptoms are associated with post-stroke characteristics. Cerebrovasc Dis. 28(6): 551-557.

In text:

(Snaphaan et al. 2009)


In bibliographic references:

Park KS, Kim YS, Kim JH, Choi BK, Kim SH, Oh SH, Ahn YR, Lee MS, Lee MK, Park JB, et al. 2009. Influence of human allogenic bone marrow and cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cell secreting trophic factors on ATP (adenosine-5 '- triphosphate)/ADP (adenosine- 5'-diphosphate) ratio and insulin secretory function of isolated human islets from cadaveric donor. Transplant Proc. 41(9): 3813-3818.

In text:

(Park et al. 2009)



Manuscript Format in Review Article Modality


Manuscripts submitted in the modality of a scientific literature review should be 8000-9000 words in length, including the body of the manuscript without references. Limit to 2 figures and 2 tables.


Manuscripts submitted in review article format should include the following sections:


Article title: maximum 18 words in bold type

Concise and informative, first line in Spanish and second line in English. Priority of the language of the title will be given by the language in which the manuscript is written.

Resumen: 200/210 words (min/max) written in a single paragraph, including the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the most important results and conclusions.

Palabras claves: 5 key words in standardized scientific Spanish, listed in alphabetical order.

Abstract: 190/200 words (min/max) written in a single paragraph, including the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the main results and the conclusions.

Keywords: 5 formal English words, listed in alphabetical order



Thematic content sections. Determined by the authors and organized through subheadings.



Declaration of conflict of interest


The minimum number of references for review articles will be 40 references. The list of bibliographic references should be organized in alphabetical order.

Use of the Council of Science Editors’ (CSE) Name-Year (N-Y) format is mandatory. This format can be downloaded from Zotero: ( and from Mendeley under the name Council of Science Editors, Name-Year (author-date).


Figures and tables will follow the journal formats and will be included in the manuscript after the references, with their respective legends.

Update date: November/2023