Revista Ecuatoriana de Medicina y Ciencias Biológicas



General Information



REMCB is a platform for scientific dissemination sponsored by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE), Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión[2]  (CCE), and Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Biología[3]  (SEB). It is published through PUCE’s Publication Center.

In March 1963, REMCB’s first volume was published, promoted by CCE. Since 2005, the journal scientific editorial team is composed of academics from PUCE.

REMCB publishes original papers resulting from scientific and experimental research in all areas of Medicine and Biological Sciences.

The journal operates under a peer-review system, releases biannual publications, and provides freely accessible content distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 Internacional License. Authors retain exclusive rights to the publications featured in the journal. REMCB utilizes Turnitin as an anti-plagiarism system and assigns a DOI (Digital Object Identifier System) to each article. Publication of scientific articles in REMCB is free of charge.

REMCB is published in electronic format (e-ISSN 2477- 9148) ( and is cataloged in Latindex 2.0, Dialnet, and REDIB.


Scope and Publication Policies


REMCB welcomes papers from all areas of Medicine and Biological Sciences, catering to both national and international scientists, as well as Life Sciences students.

REMCB considers manuscripts that show a significant contribution to scientific knowledge by describing processes and solving problems, synthesizing current and relevant information in the areas of Medicine and Biological Sciences. Additionally, the journal is interested in short investigations that generate emerging information for researchers in these areas.



REMCB publishes original scientific research that has not been submitted for publication in any other printed or electronic media, whether in Spanish or English. Authors are required to provide a written declaration affirming the originality of their manuscripts.


REMCB is interested in scientific papers from all areas of Medicine and Biological Sciences. The journal requests the validation of quantitative and qualitative results through scientific methodologies and/or statistical analysis.


REMCB accepts manuscripts under three modalities:


  • Scientific Articles: These are investigations that report original results and are the product of an experimental research process, demonstrating a contribution to scientific knowledge. Length: 7000-8000 words of text, including the body of the manuscript without references. Limit of 3 figures and 3 tables.
  • Scientific Notes: These are short investigations or reports of preliminary results from experimental research processes or exceptional events that, due to their novelty, can be published independently of the final results. Length: 4000-5000 words of text, including the body of the manuscript without references. Limit of 1 figure and 1 table.
  • Review of Scientific Literature: These are studies in which relevant information from previous research on a specific topic of current interest is reviewed and synthesized in a detailed, critical, and selective manner. Length: 8000-9000 words of text, including the body of the manuscript without references. Limit of 2 figures and 2 tables.


Manuscripts are accepted throughout the year and are processed in the order in which they are submitted.


Editorial Process

Manuscripts submitted to REMCB undergo a peer-review process (double-blind). The Editorial Board conducts an initial evaluation within the first 30 days from the date of submission. The Board may reject a manuscript without peer review if the content falls outside the relevant areas or accepted modalities of the journal. The Board also reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not comply with the format or requirements established by the journal. Articles deemed suitable will be assigned reviewers based on the specific content of the manuscript. The opinion of a third reviewer will be sought when there is no consensus between the opinions of the first two reviewers. The final decision rests with the Editorial Board.

The entire editorial evaluation process takes 150 days. Papers that receive positive evaluations but require modifications will be returned to the authors for the necessary corrections or revisions as requested by the reviewers. The corrected manuscript must be resubmitted within a maximum of 15 days, accompanied by a response letter to the reviewers.

Accepted articles will undergo layout design. Authors will receive layout drafts for review and approval within a maximum of 48 hours. Once the layout is approved, authorization for publication will be requested, which the corresponding author must submit to the journal prior to publication. All accepted articles will be assigned a DOI.

The criteria for acceptance or rejection of manuscripts are as follows:

Currentness and novelty

Contribution to scientific knowledge

Originality of the research

Scientific reliability

Internationalization of the research team

Logical organization

Correct writing

Authors agree to be REMCB reviewers for two years after the publication of their manuscript.

Submission and Structure of Manuscripts in the Scientific Article and Scientific Note Modalities

Manuscripts should be submitted exclusively through the REMCB OJS platform  ( All authors must register in OJS and include all the required information on the platform. One of the authors must be designated as the corresponding author. No author may submit or have under review two manuscripts simultaneously.

Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format, either in Spanish or English, using Times New Roman 12-point font, single-spaced, without justification, and without tabs. Page and line numbers should be included. Section headings should be separated by two spaces. Margins should be set at 2 cm on each side. The title of the manuscript should be written in bold and centered, and the section headings in bold and aligned to the left margin.

Three files corresponding to the manuscript should be sent: Cover Page (following the format provided on the web page), Original Anonymous Manuscript (using the template provided on the web page), and a Cover Letter.

  1. Cover Page, which should include: Title of the manuscript (Spanish and English), full names of authors, institutional affiliation of authors, institutional mailing address, e-mail addresses of all authors, ORCID of authors (it is mandatory for all authors to obtain their ORCID), as well as the full name, institutional affiliation, institutional mailing address, e-mail address and ORCID of the corresponding author.
  2. Original Research Manuscript (no reference to the author(s) should be included in this document since this file is sent to peer reviewers for evaluation). It should have the following sections:
  • Title of the manuscript (maximum 18 words) in Spanish on the first line and then in English on the second line.
  • Resumen in Spanish (200/210 words) written in a single paragraph, including information on the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the most important results, and the conclusions.
  • Palabras clave (5 keywords in standardized scientific Spanish).
  • Abstract in English 190/200 words min/max written in a single paragraph, including information on the justification of the research, the objective, the methodology used, the most important results and the conclusions.
  • Keywords (5 keywords in formal English)
  • Introduction: It should include the foundations, background, and explicitly state the objective of the study. Bibliographic citations from relevant national and international works should be used.
  • Materials and Methods: It should include a description of the origin of the samples, the material or area of study, and the procedures used in the biological, bioinformatics, and statistical analyses.
  • Results: The observations and results obtained from the analyses or procedures explained in the methodology should be described. The results can be presented in figures and/or tables (see the regulations for figures and tables) listed in the order of appearance in the text.
  • Discussion: It should include a comparative analysis between the obtained results and other relevant studies, highlighting contributions and limitations. Discussions regarding the limitations and projections of the study may be added.
  • Conclusions: The conclusions must be related to the objective of the study and based on the results of the research.
  • Acknowledgements: Information about the projects or sources of financing that supported the research should be mentioned.
  • Declaration of Conflict of Interest: Authors are requested to declare their independence from the interests of entities that finance the research or third parties.
  • Authors' Contribution: The initials of the first and last name of each author, along with their specific contributions (conception and design of the study, experimental design of the study, acquisition/collection of data, analysis/interpretation of data, drafting of the initial version of the manuscript, revision of the manuscript, management of financing) should be included.
  • References: Only references cited in the text should be added, listed in alphabetical order. Citations should follow the Council of Science Editor's (CSE) Name-Year (N-Y) format. The minimum number of references required is 30, and all references with a DOI should include it.


  • For manuscripts submitted in the Review Article modality, the cover page and the manuscript file should be included. The manuscript file should contain the following sections: Title (in Spanish and English), Resumen, Abstract, Palabras clave, Keywords, Introduction, Content Sections (depending on the authors), Conclusions, Acknowledgements, Declaration of Conflict of Interest, and References. The minimum number of references required is 40. Figures and tables should follow the journal format and be included in the manuscript after the references, with their respective legends.


  1. Cover Letter to the Editors. Include the following information:
  • Title of the manuscript in Spanish and English
  • Statements confirming originality, absence of conflict of interest, no prior publication of the manuscript in whole or in part elsewhere, no simultaneous submission to another publication, intellectual contribution of the authors, review/approval of all authors for the final version of the submitted manuscript, and approval of the authors for submission of the manuscript to REMCB.
  • Statement confirming that the research reported in the manuscript complies with all relevant research and/or ethics committee permissions (permissions should be attached to the cover letter).
  • Modality and area in which the manuscript is submitted.
  • Name, surname, institutional affiliation, and e-mail addresses of all authors, in order of authorship.
  • In addition, the details (name, institution, country, area of expertise and e-mail address) of three possible international reviewers for your manuscript, who do not belong to the institution of work of any of the authors, should be included.
  • Signature and ID card or passport number of all authors.


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