Pholidobolus montium nests in an intervened area of Mulaló, Cotopaxi-Ecuador

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Salomón Ramírez-Jaramillo


During thirteen months, since September 2012 until September 2013, inspections were carried out at two nests of an endemic Andean lizard, Pholidobolus montium, in a intervened area with agricultural activity. Six replicates were performed to count the eggs laid below two objects in an area of 2m2. It was recorded 69 eggs more often during the months of September, while in May and July was not found on. In monitoring nests were captured 17 individuals, obtaining data LRC adults and youth. The density was 8 individuals/m2 and September was the month of greatest abundance. One of the captured individuals belonging to P. affinis this register confirm the sympatry of this species in this area. Two pregnant females were observed, one of them laid two eggs. Additionally, two individuals with malformation were recorded, one of them presented stunted carpal.


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Ramírez-Jaramillo S. Pholidobolus montium nests in an intervened area of Mulaló, Cotopaxi-Ecuador. REMCB [Internet]. 2016May30 [cited 2024Jul.3];37(1). Available from:
Artículos de Revisión


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