Diuréticos: uso clínico racional

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Cristóbal Santacruz


Much has progressed since 1919, a nurse discovered the diuretic effect of organic mercurial, drugs that were used as antisiphilitic. Actually we have drugs of different natriuretic power, remembering that alike power grows so does the collateral effects, and risks for the patient.

Being the oedema a clinic manifestation result of the varied ethiologiess, its logic to think that just the solution for the basic sickness, will revert to the psysiopathologic mechanism of the oedema, that other-sides is no more than a homeostatic mechanism of bodies defense.

Any ways the expected result is not always obtained, not even the needed time when we treat at the botton the pathologies. Then is when, this drugs appears like an assorted auxiliary medicines when used under criterion and knowledge of its limitations.  

 But, in the actual days, this drugs have found a several clinic applications, that independ  of the natriuretic action.   

However, we think that exist a tendency to over-prescribe the use of these drugs, without think that sometimes will be better to have a patient with a slight periferic oedema that a dry patient with a circulant volume decreased and ectopic ventricular activities. 



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How to Cite
Santacruz C. Diuréticos: uso clínico racional. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.8 [cited 2024Jul.3];18(1):35-6. Available from: https://remcb-puce.edu.ec/remcb/article/view/158
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