Metaphase Karyotypes of Drosophila inca and D. yangana, inca subgroup, replete group

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Ana Beatriz Mafla


 This work supply the information about the metaphase karyotypes of Drosophila inca and D. yangana ; similarities and differences. introducing in the description the nomenclature recommended by Levan et al.(l964) it allow to detect arrangements at the leve! of the heterochromatin, which are unprovided in the polytene chromosomes


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Mafla AB. Metaphase Karyotypes of Drosophila inca and D. yangana, inca subgroup, replete group. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.8 [cited 2024Jul.3];27(1-2):21-5. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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