Alu elements in the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the infraorder Platyrrhini, Primates

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Bertha Ludeña
Juan Carlos Escobar
Jean Christophe Pintaud


Molecular markers Alu: STKI ,VP and HBGF were applied to the phylogenetic analysis of sorne ecuadorian platyrrhines. PCR amplification for all three markers was positive in the analysed species: Cebus albifrons , Saimiri sciureus, Ateles belzebuth, Ateles fusciceps, Allouata palliata and Lagothrix lagotricha . This shows that derived Alu-transpositions originated during New World monkey evolution.

Neighbor-joining analysis of this information supports the positioning of genera Alouatta, Ateles and Lagotricha in Atelidae family and a close affiliatíon between genera Cebus and Saimiri which could be considered as a cIade


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Ludeña B, Escobar JC, Pintaud JC. Alu elements in the molecular phylogenetic analysis of the infraorder Platyrrhini, Primates. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.8 [cited 2024Jul.3];27(1-2):47-1. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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