Research priority areas based on sampling bias analysis in the QCAZ mammalian collection

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Santiago F Burneo
Ma. Alejandra Camacho


The QCAZ mammalian collection presents biases related to the sampling effort that indicate a tendency to make collections in easily accessible areas. Highly significant differences were found between the number of records collected in the National System of Protected Areas and outside of it. Additionally, 20 of the 35 SNAP areas lack collections. Taking these biases into account, it can be difficult, and even misleading, to obtain true biodiversity estimates and assign priority conservation areas. The projection and interpolation of the collection points on maps generated by GIS allowed to show gaps in the collections, so that in addition to the SNAP areas, priority collection zones are proposed.


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Burneo SF, Camacho MA. Research priority areas based on sampling bias analysis in the QCAZ mammalian collection. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.9 [cited 2024Jul.3];29(1-2):22-4. Available from:
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