Diagnóstico preliminar de los peces nativos de preferencia para cultivo artesanal en la comunidad de Miasal, Morona Santiago, Ecuador

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Esteban Terneus


One of the main problems in the Amazonian communities is the nutritional deficiencies in their diet. The scarcity of nutrients has a direct impact in the quality of their health. One way to improve the nutritional quality of their diet is to promote fish hatchery projects by using native species that produce high protein contents, at a low cost production, with the optimization of forest resources. This survey identifies species that have the potential to be part of successful productive hatchery projects. From the twelve common species recorded, Kusea (Brycon cephalus) and Guambi (Salminus hilarii) were preferred most often by the people.

At the end of the study it was established that all of these species, according to the people’s preferences and catching frequency, should be considered for experimental studies.



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How to Cite
Terneus E. Diagnóstico preliminar de los peces nativos de preferencia para cultivo artesanal en la comunidad de Miasal, Morona Santiago, Ecuador. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.10 [cited 2024Jul.3];32(1-2):135-43. Available from: https://remcb-puce.edu.ec/remcb/article/view/218
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