Neural development, somitogenesis and internal morphology of the embryos of Hyloxalus vertebralis and Dendrobates auratus (Anura: Dendrobatidae)

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Francisca Hervas Sotomayor
Eugenia M. del Pino


The features of neurulation and internal morphology of the embryos and the mode of myogenesis were analyzed and compared from the neurula stage until tadpole hatching in two species of the family Dendrobatidae (Hyloxalus vertebralis and Dendrobates auratus) in comparison with other species of the same family and Xenopus laevis. This analysis was undertaken because the eggs of H. vertebralis and D. auratus are among the largest detected in the family Dendrobatidae (2.6 and 3.5 mm of diameter, respectively). Internal morphology and neurulation in H. vertebralis and D. auratus were similar with the features of X. laevis and other Dendrobatidae. There was retardation in the differentiation of the brain in these species in comparison with X. laevis. The mode of myogenesis of H. vertebralis and D. auratus occurs by cell interdigitation as found in Bombina variegate (Bombinatoridae), four additional species of Dendrobatidae, two species of Leiuperidae, and one species of Hemiphractidae. The comparative analysis allows documentation of the diversity of developmental programs among anurans and represents a contribution to the better knowledge of the Ecuadorian fauna.


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Hervas Sotomayor F, M. del Pino E. Neural development, somitogenesis and internal morphology of the embryos of Hyloxalus vertebralis and Dendrobates auratus (Anura: Dendrobatidae). REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];34(1-2):99-102. Available from:
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