Management and inventory of the faunal collection of the Wildlife Tenure and Management Centers of the province of Pastaza

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Karen Noboa


In Pastaza province, located in the east of Ecuador, evaluations and a fauna inventories of 3 zoos, 6 rescue centers, 1 breeding center, 1 museum and 1 center which operates without official permission were conducted. Programs of ex situ conservation have not been well developed in the centers evaluated. These centers have been recipients of animals from illegal traffic and have failed to keep the fauna under appropriate technical criteria. Two instruments were applied, one to assess the facilities and their ability to maintain the animals (enclosures, quarantine zone, zone of arrival, environmental enrichment, diets, and registration systems); the second to evaluate activities, technical staff workers, permits for animal handling, proximity to populated areas, origin of the animals and others. The most representative group of animals in captivity are: Psittacidae (Birds), Primates (Mammals) and Testudinidae (Reptiles) at the Pastaza province. The main weaknesses were: lack of adequate infrastructure, lack of full-time technical staff, lack of standardized handling protocols, failure to meet the objectives set out in the management plans and lack of compliance with environmental laws inforced in Ecuador.


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Noboa K. Management and inventory of the faunal collection of the Wildlife Tenure and Management Centers of the province of Pastaza. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];34(1-2):187-04. Available from:
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