Growth patterns of Cinchona officinalis in vitro and ex vitro; responses of micropropagated seedlings and seeds.

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Carlos Iván Espinosa
Gabriel Ríos


The use of biotechnological tools such as micropropagation constitutes an alternative to reproduction of endangered species and with small population sizes. However, one of the critical issues in the use of micropropagation as a reproduction tool is the quality of seedlings with regard to growth and vigor. In this paper we evaluated the effects of micropropagation on patterns of growth and survival of in vitro seedlings of Cinchona officinalis L. This species has been heavily impacted by logging processes in natural forests during colonial times because of their medical use. We monitored during 8 months after the last peal a total of 120 in vitro and 1988 ex vitro seedlings. Additionally, we measured in each seedling the number of axillary buds. The results showed that there is a residual effect of micropropagation process, which initially affects the number of shoots of seedlings and growth. However, this effect had a negative influence on seedling survival during ex vitro phase.



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Espinosa CI, Ríos G. Growth patterns of Cinchona officinalis in vitro and ex vitro; responses of micropropagated seedlings and seeds. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];35(1-2):73-2. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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