Preferences Morphological traits of fruits, seeds and embryos of Cinchona officinalis L. (RUBIACEAE) in southern Ecuador

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José Miguel Romero Saritama


Understanding the functional role of plant seed, fruits and embryos morphological traits is essential in order to devise the ecological relevance of single species for the assembly of plant communities. In the present study we generated information concerning qualitative and quantitative traits of Cinchona officinalis L. seeds, fruits and embryo. A total of 200 mature fruits were collected from five individuals of this species in a mountain forest of Loja province, southern Ecuador. Thirteen morphological traits were evaluated in 50 capsules. Or results revealed that the species possesses polyspermic capsules with an averaged length of 29 mm and an averaged width of 9.5 mm. There was a high variability in the number of seeds per fruit. The fruits of the species have a pericarp of woody consistency and a fissured surface. The C. officinalis seeds are within the smallest ones of the Chinchona genus in Ecuador. Seeds are winged with a membranous surface and sharp endings that resemble trichomes. Seeds have an averaged length of 5.1 mm, an averaged width of 2.47 mm their average weight is of 3.30e-04 grams. The C. officinalis embryos are tiny, foliated and spatulate with rounded cotyledons surrounded by endosperm. Embryos length showed a significant association with seed and cotyledon width.


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Romero Saritama JM. Preferences Morphological traits of fruits, seeds and embryos of Cinchona officinalis L. (RUBIACEAE) in southern Ecuador. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.15 [cited 2024Jul.3];36(1-2):27-5. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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