Growth and in vitro antagonism of Trichoderma spp., in the control of Moniliophthora roreri, by means of mathematical models

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Johan Reinaldo Párraga Vélez
Álvaro Gustavo Cañadas López
Diana Yasbeth Rade Loor
Peiro Cristóbal Fajardo Navarrete
Joffre Alberto Andrade Candell
Marcos Zambrano Zambrano
Christian Wehenkel


The mathematical models allow to describe the growth and antagonism curve of Trichoderma isolates against pathogens though a three parameters sigmoidal functions. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the growth of native Trichoderma spp., isolates in vitro and to determine their antagonistic by inhibiting Moniliphthora roreri by mathematical modeling. This research was conducted at the Portoviejo Experimental Station (EEP) of the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP). 12 Trichoderma spp., isolates were collected, isolated and their growth and antagonism was tested under in vitro conditions against M. roreri. The Hossfeld function adequately describes the growth function of Trichoderma spp., and isolated A1, A10 and A4 were shown as the highest growth. Each isolates presented different parameters between each of them. Isolates A1, A6 and A2 were exhibited greater antagonism against M. roreri. The parameter a of the Verhulst model represents the PDA culture medium carrying capacity. In this study were established an inversely proportional ratio, the lower values of parameter a the Verhults function greater is the antagonism against M. roreri.


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Párraga Vélez JR, Cañadas López Álvaro G, Rade Loor DY, Fajardo Navarrete PC, Andrade Candell JA, Zambrano Zambrano M, Wehenkel C. Growth and in vitro antagonism of Trichoderma spp., in the control of Moniliophthora roreri, by means of mathematical models. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Nov.9 [cited 2024Jul.3];38(2):87-6. Available from:
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