Demography of the population of Anolis aquaticus (Sauria Polychrotidae) of the La Palma stream, Puriscal, Costa Rica

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Cruz Marquez B.
Lady Márquez R.
Solanda Rea P.
Jefferson Márquez R.


The demography of Anolis aquaticus (Taylor 1956) was studied at La Palma Canyon of Puriscal (9º45’N, 84º27’W). A methodology based on marking, capture, recapture, predation, and recruitment was used in order to determine the population. A distribution of anoles is shown throughout the study area and the country of Costa Rica. The abundance of males, females, and juveniles is greater in the dry season. The sex ratio in the population is 1:1 and they mate throughout the year. Population abundance varies between 86-575 individuals per month. In a 2800 m2 area, a density of 307 to 2053 anoles was estimated, which is equivalent to 11-73 individuals for each 100 m2. In a 5684 m2 area, a density was estimated of 149 to 1008 individuals, corresponding to 3-18 anoles for each 100 m2 during the months of the year. The population structure is similar in males and females, and it presents a greater number of individuals in adults and a low quantity of juveniles. Three species were observed as predating A. aquaticus: one crab species and two snakes. The annual recruitment rate was 25-37%. Males are recruited in larger amounts and they have higher survival probabilities than females.


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Marquez B. C, Márquez R. L, Rea P. S, Márquez R. J. Demography of the population of Anolis aquaticus (Sauria Polychrotidae) of the La Palma stream, Puriscal, Costa Rica. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Jul.11 [cited 2024Jul.3];30(1-2):62-7. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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