Entomological evidence at the service of justice: Protocol of action framed to legislation of Ecuador

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Ana Belén García Ruilova
Emilia Moreno
Álvaro Barragán
Verónica Cáceres
David A. Donso


The interdisciplinary work of sciences such as field criminalistics, legal medicine, forensic biology, forensic entomology, among others, allows achieving a more objective and effective technical-scientific investigation when analyzing a criminal act. This work focuses on the work of forensic entomology in the investigation of a judicial process, covering its techniques of action, handling of entomological samples (eg, collection, preservation and storage), and legal regulations of Ecuador in which the personnel in charge it must be governed so that the evidence is authentic, legal and scientifically informative. That is why this study sets out the main guidelines for the analysis of entomological samples for correct forensic work.


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How to Cite
García Ruilova AB, Moreno E, Barragán Álvaro, Cáceres V, Freddy, Donso DA. Entomological evidence at the service of justice: Protocol of action framed to legislation of Ecuador. REMCB [Internet]. 2020Nov.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];41(2):85-3. Available from: https://remcb-puce.edu.ec/remcb/article/view/879
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