Isolation, culture, viability and evaluation of a cyanobacteria-microalga consortium as a soil conditioner

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Ever Morales Avendaño
Raquel Martínez Pérez
Gianina Suárez Rodríguez


 Microalgae and cyanobacteria from legume rhizosphere were isolated, cultured in Poalo, Latacunga, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador. From which, a consortium of Anabaena sp. Nostoc sp. and Chlamydomonas sp. (3:1:3) was obtained, and stabilized in fed batch cultures. The content of organic matter (OM), N, P and S in the soil prior to the bioassay was 1.93%, 0.10%, 49.6 and 13.08 ppm; respectively. Treatments for the evaluation of the consortium as a soil conditioner, corresponded to a control (TE), chemical fertilizer (TFQ) Consortium (TCC) and chemical fertilizer + consortium (TCF). The results showed that treatment (TCF) gave the highest content of OM, N and S with 4.5%, 0.23% and 109.8 ppm (> 0.05); respectively; followed by soil inoculated with the consortium, with 2.2%, 0.11% and 90.2 ppm OM, N and P; respectively. On the ground with only the consortium (TCC) increased spontaneous growth of wild plants from the rest of the treatments (> 0.05) was recorded. A protocol for the production of consortia with nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria in laboratory conditions is established. Its application in agricultural biotechnology broadens the range of organisms used as soil conditioners.


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Morales Avendaño E, Martínez Pérez R, Suárez Rodríguez G. Isolation, culture, viability and evaluation of a cyanobacteria-microalga consortium as a soil conditioner. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.14 [cited 2024Jul.3];35(1-2):51-. Available from:
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