Allelism for lethal genes in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster from Mixcoac

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Victor Salceda


A genetic test to distinguish whether two gene mutations occur in the same functional locus, as well as to establish their limits, is the so called complementation test widely used in microbial genetics, the same principle is used in agronomy and there is known as diallelic test; in population genetics and particular in Drosophila populations the term allelism is used and it is fundamentally used to determine genetic distances and persistence of genes in natural and experimental populations in which it is generally done for lethal genes in heterozygous condition. Thus we set out to do such an analysis for letal genes carried on the second chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster previously extracted from a natural population of the locality Mixcoac in Mexico City. The test consisted of crossing each strain carrying a lethal gene with all the others. A total of 50 strains were subjected to this manipulation thus corresponding to 1225 individual crosses. As a result, 23 allelic crosses were obtained, distributed in 18 singles and four double. Finally, the allelism rate determined was 1.88 % which does not differ much from the average reported by other researchers in similar studies.


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Salceda V. Allelism for lethal genes in a natural population of Drosophila melanogaster from Mixcoac. REMCB [Internet]. 2022Nov.8 [cited 2024Jul.3];43(2). Available from:
Notas científicas


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