Changes in the frequencies of chromosome inversions in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura

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Víctor Salceda


Temporal fluctuations in four experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura were determine, from polytene chromosomes genotypes and relative frequencies were calculate during 4-6 monthly samplings. Populations of this species show 2-3 main inversions with joint frequencies of 90% of the total and of 4-7 secondaries that complete the sample. The changes occur mainly in the main components, causing oscillations through time. The following changes were obtaine: Tulancingo population, TL investment (Tree Line) goes from 54 to 70% and its counterpart CU (Cuernavaca) from 34 to 17%. Population Zirahuén, SC (Santa Cruz) from 34 to 36%, TL from 25 to 30% and CU from 23 to 5% and from the secondary OA (Oaxaca) from 10 to 5% and EP (Estes Park) from 3 to 12 %. Population Xochimilco CU from 51 to 16%, TL from 33 to 44%, EP from 8 to 10% with an intermediate maximum of 17% and OL (Olympic) from 1 to 18%. Nevado de Colima SC population from 65 to 45% with maximum oscillation of 74%, TL from 20 to 29% and a minimum of 16%, OL from 5 to 17%. In general, in the four populations the rest of the secondary investments fluctuated on average two percent.


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Salceda V. Changes in the frequencies of chromosome inversions in experimental populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura. REMCB [Internet]. 2020Nov.30 [cited 2024Jul.3];41(2):125-31. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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