analysis of normal and deleterious genes concerning fecundity in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster

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Victor Salceda


The effect of normal and deleterious genes on fecundity was studied in six natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster; Using the CyL/Pm technique, widely used in Drosophila in similar analyses, depending on the population, the number of normal, deleterious and lethal genes varied in each population and we refer to them on this occasion. Chromosomes were grouped into free and carriers of lethal and/or delaterous genes. These groups are the basis of the comparisons made using the Student's "t" test. for this, the average fertility of each population was obtained and from this fertility categories were constructed. Each chromosome was assigned to one of them, thus obtaining the relative frequencies for each category. In all cases in which chromosomes carrying or free of lethal genes were compared, the differences favored those free of lethal ones.


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Salceda V. analysis of normal and deleterious genes concerning fecundity in natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster. REMCB [Internet]. 2023May8 [cited 2024Jul.3];44(1). Available from:
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