Análisis Genético de la Población Ecuatoriana Expuesta a Glifosato

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César Paz y Miño
María Eugenia Sánchez
Melissa Arévalo
María José Muñoz
Tania Witte
Gabriela Oleas
Paola E Leone


This study analyzes the consequences of aerial spraying with glyphosate and surfactants in the northern part of Ecuador. Chromosome aberration tests and the comet assay were used for human biomonitoring. A total of 24 exposed individuals and 21 controlled individuals were included in the study. The results show significantly higher levels of chromosomal aberrations in the samples of the exposed (22.42%) compared to the controls (1.38%). Similarly, the comet assay showed a high degree of DNA damage in the exposed group (35.5Im) compared to the control group (25.94Im). These results suggest that glyphosate, in the formulation used during aerial spraying, could have a genotoxic effect on exposed individuals.


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Paz y Miño C, Sánchez ME, Arévalo M, Muñoz MJ, Witte T, Oleas G, Leone PE. Análisis Genético de la Población Ecuatoriana Expuesta a Glifosato. REMCB [Internet]. 2017Aug.9 [cited 2024Jul.3];28(1-2):11-2. Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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