Genetic impact in Ecuadorian Amazonian communities located in oil producing areas

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César Paz y Miño
Bernardo Castro
Andrés López Cortés
María José Muñoz
Alejandro Cabrera
Catalina Herrera
Adolfo Maldonado
Carolina Valladares
María Eugenia Sánchez


The exposition to the carcinogenic agents used in the oil industry increment cancer development in the Amazonian communities. According to revised health data, exposed individuals to genotoxic agents present general instability of the human genome.  This instability can be measured through analysis of the DNA  fragmentation level in individuals exposed to hydrocarbons.  For the present study, 23 women who live near oil activity and contamination sources, are considered to be exposed to major contamination environments.  Control individuals were 25 women who live in Joya de los Sachas, in the Orellana province, without continuous exposure to genotoxics. The technique used to determine genetic alterations was the Comet Assay. The data obtained indicate that there is an increased risk of cancer, congenital malformation, and abortions in the zones located closer to oil activity. The distance to the contamination source and assimilated genotoxic agents, facilitate the DNA mutation in the cells, originating failures in the repairing systems


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Paz y Miño C, Castro B, López Cortés A, Muñoz MJ, Cabrera A, Herrera C, Maldonado A, Valladares C, Sánchez ME. Genetic impact in Ecuadorian Amazonian communities located in oil producing areas. REMCB [Internet]. 2010Oct.1 [cited 2024Jul.3];31(1-2). Available from:
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