Description of three new species in Chamanapamba Natural Reserve of genus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Tungurahua, Ecuador.

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Luz Marina Llangarí Arizo
María Isabel Tamayo Gudiño
Ana Danitza Peñafiel Vinueza
Violeta Rafael


In 2015, a collection of specimens of the Drosophila genus was carried out in the cloud forest of the Chamanapamba nature reserve, Tunguruahua province, Ecuador. Three new species were found: Drosophila chamanapamba sp. nov., which is possibly a twin species of D. macaws due to its resemblance in genitalia; Drosophila tungurahua sp. nov., shows some similarities with certain members of the D. mesophragmatica group. While Drosophila ulba sp. nov. it has not yet been included in any group of species of the genus.


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Llangarí Arizo LM, Tamayo Gudiño MI, Peñafiel Vinueza AD, Rafael V. Description of three new species in Chamanapamba Natural Reserve of genus Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae), Tungurahua, Ecuador. REMCB [Internet]. 2022Nov.8 [cited 2024Jul.3];43(2). Available from:
Artículos Científicos


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